Friday 11 July 2008

Russ, please don't eat the truckster.

This is Odyssey's new Griswold grip featuring a Wagon Queen family truckster in Metallic Pea on the flange (that doesn't have "honky lips" sprayed on the side). Here is one of my favourite quotes from the masterpiece that is National Lampoon's Vacation;
Cousin Vicki: I'm going steady, and I French kiss.
Audrey: So, everybody does that.
Cousin Vicki: Yeah, but Daddy says I'm the best at it.
These arrive in the same shipment as the PC pedals and the T-wombolts. They'll be available in the same colours as the iPC pedals later this year.


Anonymous said...

"Think you hate it now, wait till you drive it"

"Who the hell do I look like, Christopher Columbo?"

"They got a pool and everything"

.... I got quotes for days on this movie. Classic.

Anonymous said...

T-wombolts? any info on these, seems there not just a typo anymore

IMG said...

It's a revised Wombolt but we don't have any more details yet.

Bauer said...

You must have jumped this thing 50 yards dad..

Nothing to be proud about Russ....Fiifty yards.