Monday 7 September 2009

@ Random

We get asked for catalogues all the time and (to be honest) we're never likely to have one that reflects the full range of IMG parts, since it changes nearly daily.

Without further ado - here's some recent items that may have escaped your attention;

At 8.5" rise these are the biggest two piece bars currently available throught IMG. Simple's Jetset bar comes in all manner of sizes and colours.

This is Simple's new casette hub fitted to a flouresent pink GSport rim. Threaded 14mm axle and again in range of popular colours.

Simple were the first to bring this style of straight pull hub to the BMX market and though often imitated this hub is yet to be bettered.

Fly Ruben grips have some sort of cult status. They're pretty thin and really comfy and come in different sizes and a mulitute of colours. This 155mm is grey and looks amazing on a bike.

The Vandero 2 is arguably the most popular front hub in BMX. Female/Inbound axle and GSport bolts + all these colourways = winner.

We have a few of these Evo 2 brakes left in Limited Edition Flouresent Pink. Soon to a collectors item.

Odyssey compression bolts come as standard in black. You need this high polish version if you want that custom look (to annoy Ben).

Spokes can be dangerous if purchased in these colourways; orange, yellow, or purple. White is only dangerous if you jab someone in the eye with one.

Fly make a ridiculously popular stem. Fly's stems used to come with a gyro plate as standard but don't any longer........the answer? This little beauty.

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